The REAL After School Cookie Club
Happy Sunday folks, and Happy Easter to those celebrating, welcome back to the club. Today we’re going to take you on an after hours trip with us, and show you what we do when the cookies are crumbled and the ice cream is melted. Join us as we show some nights out, and as we show you the faces behind the counters

Thank you for joining us, now for your self care Sunday tip: If you are in need of some recovery today after consuming too many eggs, or maybe you just need some extra pep in your step to do an easter egg hunt. Did you know that we have an Easter cookie & coffee for £3.95? Or if you want herbal tea instead, you can absolutely do that too, it’s a great way to perk yourself up, or even relax. So get yourself to a store, get your deal and then have a nice hot bath before bed, use that bath bomb you’ve been saving for a special occasion, and then sit in your fluffiest towel or bathrobe and watch a film. Happy Easter, now we’re off to eat some of our easter cookies, have a cookie-tastic week folks!